The start to the new year was one where both my children were up and cuddling with us. It was great. We spent New Years on lake Masoka with friends who have a cottage..and what a cottage.
I have a few New Years resolutions..many of which I never keep but would like to try.
1. I would like to lose some weight, I have lost most of my baby weight, but 2 pregnancies in less then 2 years I have some flab to go.
2. Learn how to enhance my blog, I see my friends CK and Christine with many cool outlets and would love to try and learn more to make it fun. As well as getting new blog friends.
3. To go back to school in September.. there is a program at Ryerson that is just a little over a year to complete it will give me a degree that will enhance my pay scale at the board by a lot.
4. To keep spending lots of time with my kids
5. Not to get pregnant this year, I know this sounds funny but, We want 2 more and at the moment I would like to take a break and enjoy and try again next year.
6. To do some work to the house. I would like to put up pictures, clear out clutter.
7. To start my buisness by then end of Jan
I guess thats good for now. we will see what realy gets done.