Wednesday, January 24, 2007

To wait or not to wait

I discovered last week that I am pregnant again..due in September, so at the time of writing this I am 6 weeks pregnant. There is such a debate about telling before the 3 months. My belief is to tell, Why hold in such good news, if g-d forbid something will happen the people who you told would be the people that would support you through it as well.

For me people would know before the 3 months because I have to go back to work and I have to give one month notice of my intent to go back because my Mat leave is over in May. I also told the mommy's in my mommy group because we do playgroups twice a week and once I go back to work I will not be able too join and thought it fair to tell them ahead of time.

So for me the debate of waiting the 3 months is not so hard, I didn't wait with Nathanial and I didn't wait for this one. I told my closest friends because they are the ones who I turn to for everything and that is important to me.


zozosmamma said...


My belief is to tell, Why hold in such good news, if g-d forbid something will happen the people who you told would be the people that would support you through it as well.

I felt the same way...

Unknown said...

Oh, Danielle!!! Congratulations! That is GREAT news!!! Wow! :)

curiositykiller said...

This is wonderful news! Congratulations, Danielle!